With every new year comes change, and this year is no different. Everyone calls it the great resignation, but it is really the great re-prioritisation with people readjusting their priorities around work and life due to the pandemic and all the changes it bought. Many have set off on the fulfilling adventure of finding new work, whether it be their dream job or a job that appreciates them and has a better culture. New employee welcome kits (also known as employee swag packs) are crucial in this process, and there is no better time than now to perfect them!
People’s priorities have shifted, and businesses need to follow suit. Appreciation, support, desire for work-life balance are all trends people are looking for in their workplace.
Onboarding is critical in this time of new hires and re-prioritisation. Successful onboarding is linked to higher job satisfaction, lower turnover, higher performance and lowered stress (Bauer, 2014). So, where do you begin? The best place to start is your new employee welcome pack (AKA welcome kit, swag pack, onboarding package).
A good onboarding gift pack will inspire your new employee and set them up for success in their new workplace.
I. Induct.
People lose sight of the goal when creating their onboarding packs. The aim is to welcome and induct the employee into the company. Include items that they will need to use or wear on a day to day basis! Branded tees, branded notebooks and branded totes are all classic and relevant items in the everyday swag pack! Alternatively, add a gift that is industry-specific. Or, something to show who you are – eco-friendly items are a great way to show you prioritise environmentalism, for example.
N. Nourish and Nurture.
A tremendous new employee Gift pack will show that you care about their wellbeing, future success and comfort. A simple way to show this is by adding something sweet or comforting to your swag pack! Even better if it is something not related to work! Maybe some branded chocolates and tea, or branded earphones and a yoga mat!
S. Set the tone.
Your onboarding gift pack is given out on the first day of employment or even before their first day. Everything inside sets the tone for the beginning of your employees time with you. Quality branded goods are essential. Gone are the days of a cheap plastic pen being sufficient. People expect quality now, and the promotions industry knows that. Go for a luxury metal pen, a vacuum insulated coffee mug or one of our branded Moleskine journals. You are investing in this employee!
P. Performance Increases.
Now, this is a fun fact! Research shows that successful onboarding and well-received swag kits lead to higher performance and positive feelings toward the company. The employee is more likely to share their good experience on LinkedIn and Social media! Now, how great is that!
I. Inform – tell them who you are!
New employee welcome kits are a chance to show your business ethos and personality. If it doesn’t feel like you to give a coffee cup and pen. You do not have too! Creative and unique onboarding gifts are a great way to set you apart. Fidget spinners or frisbees are excellent small items that show a bit of fun.
R. Retain Employees.
Fun fact #2. First impressions matter! Awesome new employee gifts can lead to staff retention. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to stay in a job for a more extended period. 69% of employees will remain in a company for 3+ years if they experience great onboarding!
E. Engage them.
Time to get creative with your gift-giving! The product you include is so important. Quality branded items that they use daily, like a charging mousepad or a phone charger, are great options that help make their day a little easier. Or motivate them with something that stands out that they will love to use! Our mini air humidifier is a trendy on desk item or add the wooden Plato puzzle block, for some mentally stimulating fun.
It is time to ride the excellent resignation wave! Focus on ways to honour the re-prioritisation of new employees. Remember, they have come looking for something better. So show them you value them and INSPIRE them this year.
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