In a changing business environment, it has never been more important to find ways to not only build your brand awareness but also to ensure you are doing your part to save the world by reducing your carbon footprint. Thanks to branded water bottles, businesses can now do just this. Laneway Promos offers a wide range of options for employers to purchase custom water bottles for their staff as part of an employee welcome package or as a thoughtful “thank you” gift to staff for their hard work throughout the year. Show staff and clients, you care about not only their health and well-being, but the environment too and check out our range of go-to branded water bottles tried and tested by customers across the country.

Water bottles as a brand builder

Building your brand and helping to save the world with branded water bottles is no longer a choice for businesses, rather it has become a necessity in a global expanding marketplace. One of the greatest outcomes of using branded bottles for your business is that they are cheap, effective and a long-term marketing option for your business branding. We all know people carry their water bottles with them to the gym, the park, or the shopping centre or just have them on their desks at work to stay hydrated throughout the working day. A branded water bottle is a daily walking billboard that will be seen by hundreds of eyes. When people see your company logo on a branded water bottle it implants your product or service into the brains of not only existing and potential customers, but also potential employees, suppliers, affiliates, sponsors and so on! The potential outreach is massive. No doubt your brand awareness and attractiveness to existing and future environmentally conscious employees will be improved by incorporating branded glass, metal or plastic water bottles into your marketing mix.

Not to mention, increasingly we are finding that businesses are looking for more sustainable ways to operate. Concepts such as sustainability and corporate social responsibility are at the forefront of the minds of employers and employees alike. By using our branded water bottles as part of your marketing business, improves your business brand in your customers’ eyes and helps save the world.

So, how exactly does a water bottle save the planet?

The great thing about promotional water bottles is they are made using less energy, fewer oils and more reusable products such as steel or aluminium than the traditional plastic water bottle, which is made from oil-based products. It has been shown that around 17 million barrels of oil are required to produce the global supply of plastic water bottles per annum. In a world where people are wanting to move away from fossil fuels, this is a brilliant way for your business to help save the world.

Our range of branded water bottles comes in a choice of many different materials, with many of them being made from aluminium or steel. This not only results in a sleek and modern-looking design but also uses far less oil in the manufacturing process. Another added bonus is that that they do not leach toxic minerals into the water contained within; leaving the water you drink a whole lot cleaner and purer than plastic water bottle alternatives. We have even heard our customers say it tastes better! Using a water bottle with a built-in infuser will also assist you in a better-tasting fluid to quench your thirst on a hot Australian summer’s day. Just add a slice of lemon or cucumber for a cool and refreshing twist and enjoy the extra health benefits; or even a cold-brew tea bag if you want a bit of extra flavour in your day.

The world produces a whopping estimated 38 billion plastic water bottles globally per annum for consumption. All of those plastic bottles, unlike our reusable water bottles, will end up in the landfill. Whilst in Australia we have well-developed recycling processes, they can, unfortunately, be easily tainted by other products rendering them ‘contaminated’ and unfit for recycling; meaning the majority of plastic bottles will still go to landfill which is a huge problem globally. It has been shown that plastic bottles can take up to 700 years to break down. This means the production of just one year’s worth of plastic bottles will generate issues for centuries to come. Given that our customised water bottles can be reused over and over again, it is absolutely clear that they are better for your business to help save the world by reducing landfill problems.

So, when it comes to building your brand and helping save the world one of the most growing marketing trends is to give away branded water bottles to your employees and customers. Your customers will be more likely to remember your product or service and want to engage with your business and your staff will feel connected with your branding and culture, having something to belong to and feel proud to represent. It is a win/win for your business branding and helping to save the world!

Here at Laneway Promos, we have a huge range of water bottles that can be easily and affordable branded to assist your marketing strategy, allowing you to build your brand whilst saving the planet. To find out more about our extensive branded water bottle range you can check us out at or alternatively you can reach our friendly and knowledgeable team on 1300 113 799 or